Folding Architecture Theme Analysis in the Interior of Bogor Zoology Museum


  • Firauz Ihsan Fadhlillah Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur
  • Adibah Nurul Yunisya Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur


folding architecture, Bogor zoology museum, interior, museum


Bogor Zoology Museum was built based on the biodiversity in Indonesia, The place aim to be a conservation and also education center for the general public, especially for the students who want to know the biodiversity in Indonesia. The collection of this museum is quite a lot, to make those rooms efficiently, Bogor Zoology museum using concept of folding architecture. The concept of folding architecture itself focuses on the efficiency of the space folds – folds and aperture. But, with the increasing of the collection at the Bogor Zoology Museum making a shift. The function of the folding architecture is getting further and further away. The lack of the interest from the general public to visit this museum also one of the reasons for the increasingly distant of the vision and mission of the museum, so this research’s goals are to know how the efficient the collection in the Bogor Zoology Museum are, to know how the Museum handle of their collections, and give a solution for the  Bogor Zoology museum to make a better place and not deviated from the goals of Bogor Zoology Museum itself. This research is using secondary data approaches, obtained from literature studies, also other scientific journals. And the use of narrative analysis techniques focus on an idea to communicated to all of relevant groups. And also with this technique it helps to understand and develop the analysis carried out at the Bogor Zoology Museum. And the expected result of this research is to readjust the concept of folding architecture in Bogor Zoology Museum in accordance with the goals of the founders of the Bogor Zoology Museum.




How to Cite

Fadhlillah, F. I., & Yunisya, A. N. (2021). Folding Architecture Theme Analysis in the Interior of Bogor Zoology Museum. ADBE, 1(1), 17–20. Retrieved from