Improving The Dance Performance Space in the Pandemic Era through Benjang Mask in Bandung Society


  • S. Salayanti Telkom University
  • S. Rochana Widyastutieningrum Indonesia Institute Of The Arts Surakarta
  • Sunarmi Indonesia Institute Of The Arts Surakarta


Performance, Space, Pandemic, Benjang Mask


The Benjang performance design after the pandemic has the essence of design value as a medium to get closer to God with the Benjang philosophy, "Bersih hate Handap asor." The concept of "space" and "place" in Benjang's performance during a pandemic is an essential element that cannot be sepa- rated from supporting human space. The place element is a constituent com- ponent in every performance. Currently, we are in a phase to develop a cul- tured life, which is Space and more as a place to prove they exist and realize the essence of everyday life after the pandemic. The use of Space in Benjang performance is by the presence of movements with various rhythms and characters who have their respective roles carried Space, which are isn from the personal feelings of each player.




How to Cite

Salayanti, S., Widyastutieningrum, S. R., & Sunarmi. (2021). Improving The Dance Performance Space in the Pandemic Era through Benjang Mask in Bandung Society. ADBE, 1(1), 28–33. Retrieved from